View Full Version : Read Only Attribute Stuck ON

April 10th 03, 05:20 AM
For some reason all my file folders are set to read only
and even if I take the check out and hit apply they switch
back. Even new folders I just made are instently read
only. I don't know how to fix this...any help would be

April 17th 07, 06:54 PM
For some reason all my file folders are set to read only
and even if I take the check out and hit apply they switch
back. Even new folders I just made are instently read
only. I don't know how to fix this...any help would be

Well congrats your not the only one. I have been doing some research because I have the same problem. As well as: I am also having problems with Email (error 0x80042108), Thunderbird, Firefox, and my conclusion has got to be currupted files. These have all started about the same time and are a total pain. Personally I am going to reset my system and reinstall Windows XP, which is not as easy as it sounds when dialup is your only option. ISP says it's not them. Doesn't seem to find any answers and that this may be my only option. But for future reference because Many others are also having these problems.


April 18th 07, 12:56 AM
GO TO Q3230002

"unknown" wrote:

