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Old March 6th 18, 02:15 AM posted to alt.windows7.general
J. P. Gilliver (John)[_4_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,679
Default TIP: GPU Temperature and blowing out fans

In message , Rene Lamontagne
On 03/05/2018 5:24 PM, J. P. Gilliver (John) wrote:
CORSAIR LINK STINKS. (Details below.)

Sorry to hear of all your troubles, I would also uninstall it if it
gave me such a hard time.
I am running an i7950 CPU system and an Asus X58 Sbertooth MB.
I left mine running in the performance mode to be sure it used all fans
and everything is good, So I ran it in balanced and quite mode and all
fans and temps stayed the same.
Is yours in Performance mode?

Those were indeed the three modes - balanced, quiet, and performance. I
chose performance as I thought that was likely to do the best cooling;
my point was that there didn't seem to be a way to tell it to revert to
whatever had been in place before I installed/ran it. And just stopping
it, or even uninstalling it, seemed not to revert things. I couldn't
tell you what mode it was in now, as I couldn't get it to open up the

Quite mode may slow down or stop fans, But mine did not

Can't think of anything else to try except uninstall if its not
compatible wit your system.


Well, I tried uninstalling, without success. However, I have now done a
system restore to just before I installed it the first time, and things
seem - touch wood! - to be good: the cores are below 50C, and I've heard
the fan occasionally.

J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

You can't abdicate and eat it - attributed to Wallis Simpson, in Radio Times
14-20 January 2012.