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Old September 16th 20, 05:01 PM posted to,
Arlen Holder
external usenet poster
Posts: 186
Default Is there a system environment variable to the System32 directory?

Is there a system environment variable to the System32 directory?
o cd %system32%

I haven't seen one but there should be, IMHO, so, maybe it exists?
o Here's, at this very moment, where I'd like to use it, for example.

Setting up a PC that BOSD'd, I just created this custom command:

1. Rightclick create a shortcut C:\app\os\commands\links\curlit.lnk
Whose TARGET is %comspec% /k %Windir%\System32\curl.exe

2. Add an AppPaths key named "curlit.exe" so you can run that command:
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\curlit.exe]
Whose value is C:\app\os\commands\links\curlit.lnk

3. Such that you can now efficiently run the command any time you like:
Win+R curlit
Which will tell you your current IP address (usually under VPN).

Two things I'd like to improve with this custom command is:
a. I'd like the report to last for ten seconds, & then close the window.
b. I'd like to have a %environmentvariable% to System32 commands.

Probably it doesn't exist, but then, why not?
o Anyway, that's why I ask if you know of a variable to %System32%.
Note I don't use plurals, but I put them there for easy reading.