Thread: help me!!
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Old August 11th 05, 02:10 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

I do believe that the S3 Savage is not capable of running Doom3. You could
check at the ID software site to see which cards are compatible with


"dishy" wrote in message

i h a v e j u s t b r o u g h t d o o m 3 f o r m y p c
a n d h a v e c o m e t o a h a l t ! ! n o t s u r e i
f t h e f o l l o w i n g w i l l m a k e a n y s e n s e
t o a n y o n e b u t i m h o p i n g i t w i l l . . .
w h e n c l i c k i n g o n d o o m 3 t o f i n a l i n s t
a l l t h e g a m e i t c o m e s u p w i t h t h e f o
l l o w i n g e r r o r . . . . . . . .
::4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec doomconfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
----- initializing sound system ------
sound system initialized.
----- r_initopengl -----
initializing opengl subsystem
..registered window class
..registered fake window class
..initializing qgl
..calling loadlibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetextensionsstringarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglswapintervalext
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpixelformatattribivarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpixelformatattribfvarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglchoosepixelformatarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglcreatepbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpbufferdcarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglreleasepbufferdcarb
couldn't find proc address for: wgldestroypbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglquerypbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglbindteximagearb
couldn't find proc address for: wglreleaseteximagearb
couldn't find proc address for: wglsetpbufferattribarb
..calling cds: ok
..created window @ 0,0 (640x480)
initializing opengl driver
..getting dc: succeeded
..attempting to use stereo
..pixelformat 12 selected
..creating gl context: succeeded
..making context current: succeeded
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetextensionsstringarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglswapintervalext
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpixelformatattribivarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpixelformatattribfvarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglchoosepixelformatarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglcreatepbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglgetpbufferdcarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglreleasepbufferdcarb
couldn't find proc address for: wgldestroypbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglquerypbufferarb
couldn't find proc address for: wglbindteximagearb
couldn't find proc address for: wglreleaseteximagearb
couldn't find proc address for: wglsetpbufferattribarb

------- input initialization -------
initializing directinput...
mouse: directinput initialized.
keyboard: directinput initialized.
sound: stereo
..using gl_arb_multitexture
..using gl_arb_texture_env_combine
x..gl_arb_texture_cube_map not found
x..gl_arb_texture_env_dot3 not found
..using gl_arb_texture_env_add
x..gl_arb_texture_non_power_of_two not found
..using gl_arb_texture_compression
x..gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
..using gl_ext_texture_lod
..using gl_1.4_texture_lod_bias
..using gl_ext_shared_texture_palette
x..gl_ext_texture3d not found
..using gl_ext_stencil_wrap
x..gl_nv_register_combiners not found
x..gl_ext_stencil_two_side not found
x..gl_ati_separate_stencil not found
x..gl_ati_fragment_shader not found
x..gl_arb_vertex_buffer_object not found
x..gl_arb_vertex_program not found
x..gl_arb_fragment_program not found
error: the current video card / driver combination does not support the
necessary features
error during initialization
shutting down opengl subsystem
..wglmakecurrent( null, null ): success
..deleting gl context: success
..releasing dc: success
..destroying window
..resetting display
..shutting down qgl
..unloading opengl dll::
a m n o t s u r e i f t h i s m e a n s t h a t m y d
r i v e r n e e d s u p d a t i n g . . a m s u r e m y g
r a p h i c s c a r d i s a n s 5 g r a p h i c s p r o s a
v a g e d d r . . c a n a n y o n e h e l p ? ? ? i f i
n e e d a n u p d a t e d d r i v e r w h e r e d o i g
e t t h i s f r o m a n d w h e r e d o i p u t i t ?
? s o r r y i f i s o u n d s t u p i d b u t t h a t s
c o s i a m ! ! c h e e r s t r i s h

